Paoli Vetcare Keeps You Up To Date On COVID-19
Do you have questions on how the coronavirus affects your pets? Are you worried about your pets contracting COVID-19, or have you wondered if your pet can bring the virus into your home? Our educated medical staff keeps a constant watch on the changes of COVID-19, and we can give you all the information you need about pets and the coronavirus. If you’re still worried about entering physical spaces or you’ve recently contracted the virus, give us a call to delay your pet’s examination or ask if you can utilize our telemedicine service. We’re in this together, and Paoli Vetcare is here both for you and your pets!
Pets And COVID-19: What Should I Know?
When it comes to pets and the coronavirus, you might be uncertain if your pet can contract the disease, carry it, or pass it on.
The CDC has said that the coronavirus can spread between people and animals under close contact. Pets—including cats and dogs—have been infected with the COVID-19 virus, after being in close contact with humans that carried it. However, the risk of a pet spreading the virus to people remains low.
Regardless of whether you think your pet could contract the virus, do NOT put masks on your pet—this can harm and confuse them. Don’t wipe, bathe, or disinfect your pet with chemicals or alcohol. Do not use hand sanitizer on your pet. Do not use surface cleaners or detergent on the skin or fur of your pet. If you want to know how to keep your pet clean and safe during the coronavirus, just ask your veterinarian.
What Do I Do If My Pet Is Sick?
Even if your pet contracts the coronavirus, they might not get sick at all. Many pets that have become infected have had fairly mild illnesses. It’s rare for most pets to contract a serious illness. If your pet does become ill, many of the symptoms can be treated at home, and you should not worry. If you are worried about your pet, contact your local veterinarian for an appointment.
If you notice that your pet has a fever, is coughing or has shortness of breath, is uncommonly lethargic, has been sneezing, has a runny nose or other discharge, is vomiting or has diarrhea, you should contact your veterinarian.
Remember, if you are sick with COVID-19, even if you believe your pet has contracted the virus, DO NOT check your pet into the clinic yourself. Call your friendly neighborhood veterinarian and make the appointment and ask them what you should do.
Your veterinarian might recommend you isolate your pet at home, depending on your pet’s symptoms. If you are able to take care of your pet yourself, your veterinarian will offer you suggestions similar to isolating at home, same as if a person in your household contracted the virus. When caring for a pet that has COVID-19, you should follow the same general rules and precautions as if you were taking care of an infected person.

Heartbreaking: Coronavirus Positive North Carolina Dog Dies — August 2020
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