I hereby certify that my pet(s) is/are in good health and have not been ill with any communicable diseases or parasites in the last 30 day.

    I hereby declare that my pet has never shown aggression, bitten, injured or killed another dog, cat, or person.

    I have read, understand, and agree to the following:

    Physical Examination: All pets must have undergone a physical exam within the last 12 months. Veterinary records must be provided if the pet is not a Paoli Vetcare patient.

    Vaccinations: All dogs must have current vaccinations against Rabies, Bordetella, Canine Influenza Virus H3N8/H3N2 and DHLPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza). All cats must have current vaccinations against Rabies and FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia). Please note: Previous vaccination is not a guarantee your pet will not contract respiratory or other infectious disease.

    Parasites: Dogs and cats are required to have a negative intestinal parasite screen within 12 months. Dogs are required to have a negative heart worm
    test within 12 months.

    Personal Property: Owner understands that Paoli Vetcare is not responsible for loss, damage, or destruction of any items left with your pet.

    Media Release: Owner understands that by allowing their pet to participate in services offered by Paoli Vetcare, they hereby agree to allow Paoli Vetcare to take photographs or use images of their pet in print or otherwise for publication, promotion, or social media.

    Late Pick Up: Pet Parent agrees that if pet(s) is/are not picked up by closing time, then Pet Parent hereby authorizes overnight boarding and will be
    financially responsible for all applicable fees. Staff are not authorized to arrange for pets to be picked-up after hours.

    Abandonment: If you neglect to pick up your pet or contact Paoli Vetcare to make arrangements within 5 days, Paoli Vetcare may assume that the animal has been abandoned. Abandonment does not release you of your obligation for payment of your bill. You will be responsible for payment for each day your pet is at Paoli

    Health Guarantee: Paoli Vetcare, at their sole discretion, may provide free medical treatment of minor boarding-related illness symptoms (stress-induced vomiting and/or diarrhea and upper respiratory infection) that occur while boarding or after your pet goes home. Free diagnosis and treatment of these conditions is offered at the sole discretion a Paoli Vetcare veterinarian. In no case will Paoli Vetcare reimburse costs incurred at another veterinary facility.

    Treatment Authorization: I authorize Paoli Vetcare to administer all vaccinations or parasite testing that is not current and I agree to pay the fees for these services. If my pet experiences minor illness(es) under the terms of the Health Guarantee, I authorize treatment to be administered. No fee(s) is/are charged for the medication(s) and veterinary service(s) provided under the terms of the Health Guarantee.

    Hold Harmless / Release Agreement:

    Paoli Vetcare Ltd. its owner, employee(s), representative(s) or any other person(s) affiliated with the company shall hereinafter be referred to as “Paoli Vetcare”.

    By signing this PET PARENT DAY CARE BOARDING AGREEMENT, you or your representative(s) agree to be bound by its terms and conditions and agree not to hold Paoli Vetcare liable or sue for any illness, injuries, and/or death to your pet(s) while in the care of Paoli Vetcare.

    I have read, understand, and agree to the following:
    1. I understand that there are risks and benefits associated with group socialization of dogs. I agree that the benefits outweigh the risks and that I accept the risk. I desire a socialized environment for my dog while attending day care and boarding services provided by Paoli Vetcare.

    2. I understand that while my pet(s) is/are closely and carefully monitored by Paoli Vetcare staff to prevent injury and illness, there are inherent risks and hazards, which may result in communicable disease, parasite infection, illness, injuries, and/or death. Despite the best efforts of care and cleanliness, certain communicable diseases, especially, but not limited to, upper respiratory illness (e.g. kennel cough) may be unavoidable in any animal facility.

    3. If, in my absence, my pet should become ill, injured or in need of serious veterinary care every reasonable attempt will be made to contact me to direct care. However, if I am unreachable, Paoli Vetcare at its sole discretion, may provide veterinary care or engage the services of a veterinarian of Paoli VetcareÎs choice, which may include specialty and/or after-hours emergency care. I agree that all expenses incurred from emergency veterinary treatment will be my sole responsibility.

    4. I further agree to be solely legally and financially responsible for any and all of my petÎs behavior. This includes but is not limited to damages or injury to my pet itself, other pets, clientele, staff member(s) or any damages to the facility caused by my pet. I accept sole responsibility for the cost of any veterinary care to other pets and/or medical care to Paoli Vetcare clientele or staff resulting from my petÎs action.

    I hereby certify that I have read and understand this Waiver and Release of Liability and the terms set forth above. Furthermore, I understand and expressly agree that each and every of the foregoing provisions contained above shall be in force and effect and shall apply to each and every occasion on which pet(s) stay(s) with Paoli Vetcare for daycare, boarding, veterinary, or other services unless otherwise cancelled or superseded by a writing signed by the parties.
